November to Spring 2025 and for the rest of your life. It’s free!
November to Spring 2025 and for the rest of your life. It’s free!
This space is dedicated to empowering real change where it’s needed most right now: providing natural spaces where pollinators can survive and thrive across Canada. It also celebrates you for seeking out simple, purposeful ways to harmonize with nature and create truly positive change, in you, your space, and your world.
Sacred becomes you
Whether it’s a balcony downtown or a sprawling backyard, each of us has a living sanctuary waiting to bloom. Love your nature right and your favourite pollinator will come. We’ll show you how, one step at a time, one space unto another, starting with you.

Our articles to learn more about pollinators
Creating a Haven for Native Pollinators in 6 Simple Steps!
We’re launching a six-part series to help transform your garden into a true paradise for bees and butterflies.
A Low-Maintenance, Biodiverse Garden. Leave some fallen leaves over winter, and hold off on pruning to preserve natural habitats. Less maintenance, more biodiversity!
Keep Your Garden Blooming All Year! By planting a variety of flowers that bloom at different times, you’ll have a haven for pollinators, even in cooler seasons.
Make Your Garden a Pesticide-Free Zone. Let’s keep our pollinators safe by avoiding chemicals. Opt for natural solutions to maintain a healthy, vibrant ecosystem.
Give Pollinators a Place to Rest. A pollinator-friendly garden offers shelter too! Leave a few fallen branches or set up bee houses to give them a protected space.
Provide a Water Source for Pollinators! Place shallow dishes of water to give bees a safe spot to drink. A simple act that makes a big difference!
Choose native plants like lavender and echinacea that naturally nourish our pollinators.
La Fourmi, a proudly certified B Corp, is deeply committed to protecting pollinators—a mission that goes beyond simply appreciating their contributions. Pollinators, particularly bees, butterflies, and other insects, are the quiet heroes of our ecosystems and food supply, sustaining the diversity and health of countless crops, plants, and habitats. Yet, they are in danger, and with them, so are we.
Over the past 50 years, we’ve seen a 300% rise in demand for pollinator-dependent crops, while pollinator populations have plummeted due to factors like pesticide exposure, habitat destruction, and climate change. Bees, in particular, are vital; without their unique pollination skills, we’d be left without essentials like tomatoes, apples, blueberries, almonds, and even coffee. Yet every year, millions of bees die prematurely, a staggering loss that impacts not only our food but also the delicate balance of entire ecosystems. Honeybees, often seen as symbols of productivity, are crucial but cannot bear the burden alone. Our native wild pollinators—bumblebees, mining bees, leafcutters, butterflies, and more—play an equally, if not more important, role. These species have evolved in harmony with local flora, helping maintain biodiversity, soil health, and the entire food web that supports wildlife.
At La Fourmi, we believe that preserving pollinators isn’t just an environmental effort—it’s a responsibility to the future. Every species saved, every pesticide-free garden, and every pollinator-safe habitat adds resilience to our ecosystems and food supply. For this reason, we’re launching a campaign to protect these incredible creatures and spread awareness about the critical role they play in our lives.
Through our dedicated newsletters, you’ll receive insights, resources, and practical actions to support pollinator-friendly practices. We invite you to join us on this journey. By subscribing, you’ll receive educational content that empowers you to make a meaningful impact, along with recipes that highlight the essential work of pollinators. Together, let’s become guardians of the pollinators—an investment in the future of our planet, our food, and our well-being. Sign up today and join the movement to give pollinators the protection they need and deserve.
About us and simply sacred
We are modern granolas, as ambassadors of natural ways to a healthy life and land, and also as producers of La Fourmi, Canada’s first gourmet granola, in so many ways. We are also people who share a common hope for the future. We come together here to address that which we cannot ignore any longer, the need for all living beings to live more simply, more mindfully, and thereby, more happily.
‘Honour the Seed’ is a belief that guides La Fourmi in all things. The seed is the start of anything, how you honour it defines the quality of its outcome. This, be it the ingredients in our product, the seed of an idea like a new flavour blend or a community clean-up program, and also the seed of our future: children who we must share the art of loving this land with, so they carry on this sacred respect for living things for generations to come.
May you learn to love more and love to grow more. In yourself, with joy, as nature intended. If you feel the same way, please share this space with your friends.